Jumat, 20 Mei 2016


Sentences can be active or passive. Therefore, tenses also have "active forms" and "passive forms." You must learn to recognize the difference to successfully speak English.
1)      Active form
In active sentences, the thing doing the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing receiving the action is the object. Most sentences are active.
Formula :  
[Thing doing action] + [verb] + [thing receiving action]
Simple Present
Once a week, Tom cleans the house.
Present Continuous
Right now, Sarah is writing the letter.
Simple Past
Sam repaired the car.
Past Continuous
The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store.
Present Perfect
Many tourists have visited that castle.
Present Perfect Continuous
Recently, John has been doing the work.
Past Perfect
George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license.
Past Perfect Continuous
Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurant's fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to Paris.
Simple Future
Someone will finish the work by 5:00 PM.
Simple Future
be going to 
Sally is going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.
Future Continuous
At 8:00 PM tonight, John will be washing the dishes.
Future Continuous
be going to
At 8:00 PM tonight, John is going to be washing the dishes.
Future Perfect
They will have completed the project before the deadline.
Future Perfect
be going to
They are going to have completed the project before the deadline.
Future Perfect Continuous
The famous artist will have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished.
Future Perfect Continuous
be going to
The famous artist is going to have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished.
Used to
Jerry used to pay the bills.
Would Always
My mother would always make the pies.
Future in the Past
I knew John would finish the work by 5:00 PM.
Future in the Past
Was Going to
I thought Sally was going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.

2)      Passive forms
In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action.
Formula :
[Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action]

Here is a table showing the passive forms for most English verbs:
present simple
am/are/is + past participle
He is taken to school by his mum.
present continuous
am/are/is being + past participle
They are being bullied.
present perfect
have/has been + past participle
Have you been interviewed for many jobs?
past simple
was/were + past participle
We were told not to touch anything.
past continuous
was/were being + past participle
Our computers were being attacked by hackers.
past perfect
had been + past participle
His mother had been brought up in India.
will be + past participle
Arrangements will be made to move them to other locations.
future perfect
will have been + past participle
All the merchandise will have been shipped by tomorrow.

Procedure text and example

Procedure text is a text that explains or helps us how to make or use something. Its social function is to describehow something is completely done through a sequence of series. Communicative purpose of this text is to describe how something is made through a sequence of actions or steps. There are three generic structures in procedure text. The first is goals or purposes. The second is materials or tools. The third and the last are steps or methods. To know the text that we read is procedure or not is so simple.
Example of procedure text :
1.      How to use Printer
a) Make sure that your printer is hooked up properly before using it
b) Turn the printer on, you will hear the ink moving around. Something might come up on the computer telling you that the printer is on and working properly.
c)  Open the page you want to print. 
d) When you are done setting up the page you can verify you have the right printer hooked up by clicking on "Printer" at the bottom. Once everything looks good click on "OK" and now your page should print out.
e) Open up a ".doc" file if that is where your page is that you need to print. 
f)  When you are ready to print go up to "File" and "Print Setup". 
g)  If your page is set up the way you like it you can just click on the printer icon on the tool bar or go to "File" then "Print."
h)  Using a printer a lot over time will start to wear down your ink supply.

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016



Contoh Daftar Isi

A.    Sejarah Singkat Perusahaan.................................................................. 1
B.     Struktur Organisasi............................................................................... 3
C.     Tata Tertib dan Disiplin Kerja Perusahaan ............................................ 5
D.    Keselamatan Kerja di Perusahaan ........................................................ 6
BAB I      ISI
A.    Tujuan .................................................................................................. 8
B.     Prinsip Kerja ........................................................................................ 8
C.     Gambar atau Bagan Kerja .................................................................... 9
D.    Proses .................................................................................................. 9
A.    Kesimpulan ........................................................................................ 16
B.     Saran ................................................................................................. 16

Contoh penulisan kata pengantar laporan PKL

Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas rahmat dan karunia-Nya sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan Laporan Praktik Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) dengan baik. Kegiatan Praktik Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) merupakan kegiatan yang sangat penting karena dengan melaksanakan PRAKERIN siswa dan siswi SMK dapat mengenal dan mengetahui dunia kerja dan dunia usaha yang sesungguhnya, setelah lulus nanti siswa dan siswi sudah mempunyai pengalaman yang cukup dalam dunia kerja.
            Tujuan penyusunan Laporan Praktik Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) adalah sebagai salah satu syarat kenaikan kelas XII pada program Keahlian Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan SMK Negeri 3 Batam. Selain itu juga berguna sebagai bukti pertanggung jawaban siswa telah melaksanakan PRAKERIN di Industri.
Dengan tersusunnya laporan akhir, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada segenap pihak yang telah membantu dalam melaksanakan PRAKERIN serta dalam penyusunan laporan ini. Saya ucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar - besarnya kepada :
1.      Allah SWT dan kedua orang tua saya karena telah memberikan doa dan dukungan dalam melaksanakan prakerin.
2.      Bapak Henra Debeny, M.Pd. selaku Kepala Sekolah SMK Negeri 3 Batam.
3.      Ibu Nurjanah, S.Pd. selaku Koordinator Prekerin sekaligus Guru Pembimbing penyusunan laporan ini.
4.      Ibu Mardiyah selaku Koordinator Prakerin di NIG sekaligus Guru Pembimbing laporan.
5.      Bapak MC Fahtur Rohman selaku Koordinator Prakerin di NIG sekaligus Guru Pembimbing laporan.
6.      Bapak Dedy Irawan, M.T. selaku Ketua Jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan.
7.      Bapak Dodi Zulkarnain, S.kom selaku Wali Kelas XI Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan.
8.      Karyawan atau staf Nurul Islam Group yang telah membantu dalam pelaksanaan prakerin.
Penulis menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa Laporan PRAKERIN ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan. Namun, penulis berharap semoga Laporan PRAKERIN ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pembacanya khususnya bagi penulis sendiri.

Batam, 26 Maret 2016
